A is for Arches

A is for Arches, A Utah Alphabet Sleeping Bear Press, 2003
Nominated for the Beehive Book Award in 2004


"What an inspiring book! How could any reader, young or old, not learn to love and appreciate Utah's natural glory with a companion like this book?" (Philip Hoose, author of Claudette Colvin).

Morris and Buddy

Morris and Buddy, The Story of the First Seeing Eye Dog Albert Whitman, & Co. 2007


"A fresh and engaging nonfiction choice."(Booklist)
...reads like a story." (School Library Journal)

1,2, I'll Show You Utah

1,2... I'll Show You A Utah Counting Book


A companion to A is for Arches, this is a counting book about the state of Utah. It is under contract with Sleeping Bear Press. As yet, there is no date set for publication.